E-Agenda: Paperless Meeting System
Meeting Date: Wednesday, January 11, 2006

spacer graphic spacer graphic spacer graphic spacer graphic PALM BEACH COUNTY SPECIAL MEETING RE: CHARTER SCHOOLS MINUTES

Special Meeting/Workshop

  1. Call to Order - 3:45 p.m.
  2. Public Comments - Joe Landy
  3. Recommendation to Approve 4 New Charter Schools/Postponed from December 14, 2005 Board Meeting
    Minutes: Florida Statute 1002.33, authorizes Charter Schools as part of the State's program of public education. Pursuant to FL. Stat. 1003.62(2), School Board Policy 2.56, Number of Charter Schools, the District implements Waiver #1 under charter district status, approved by the State Board of Education ("SBE") on January 21, 2003, exempting the School Board from the statutory cap on the number of Charter Schools in the District as set forth in Florida. Per Florida Statute, no cap now exists on the number of Charter Schools in the District.

    The School District of Palm Beach County currently has forty-one operating Charter Schools.

    As stated in School Board Policy 2.56 (3) (c), ...to demonstrate that the addition of the Charter School would serve the needs of the student population of the School District, the applicant should show that the proposed Charter School would (i) provide relief to overcrowding of one or more existing regular public schools in the District; and/or (ii) provide unique programs to meet the needs of an identified student population in the District.

    In response to the requirement of Palm Beach County School Board Policy 2.56 (3) (c) (i), the Planning Department has identified six zones for the location of future Charter Schools, and in-serviced the Charter School applicants about these locations. These zones are areas where Charter Schools can help with overcrowding in public schools and/or serve low performing students, as stated in Board Policy 2.56.

    Four (4) applications were submitted for review by the appropriate District departments. The four applications rated as acceptable meet the minimum requirements and are recommended for approval as follows:
    * Believers Academy
    * Life Skills Center - Glades Area Charter School
    * Palm Beach Academy for Learning (School for Autism) * Riviera Beach Maritime Academy

    The School Board's approval of the applications merely indicates an agreement to enter into charter negotiations. If successfully negotiated and approved by the School Board, the approval will result in entering into a charter contract for each school. The charter shall be the binding agreement, which shall detail all rights and responsibilities of the School Board and the Charter School.

    The Charter School applicants and the School Board shall have six (6) months to negotiate a charter.

    Copies of each application, the evaluation points' tabulation, and the evaluation points summary sheet are on file in the Board Minutes Office for your review.

    Janice Cover, Assistant Superintendent of Quality Assurance, presented Board Members with information on Charter Schools and highlighted the following topics: Charter School Process and Procedures; Meeting Student Needs; Renewal and Expansion; Causes for Denial of Renewal; Application Process; Application Components; Defining Student Performance Standards; Monitoring for Quality Assurance; and Action for Quality Assurance.

    Dr. Johnson stated that the issues the Board Members need to be discussed before they approve the following recommendations:
    1) application process
    2) expansion of charter schools
    3) process protocol for closing down unsuccessful schools

    Board Members discussed the following topics: application process for new applicants vs. applicants with existing schools (Lynch); ten year rule (Lynch); financial non-compliance (Lynch); measuring gains (Richmond); providing unique curriculum (Burdick); Maritime Academy application (Burdick); magnet and career academies (Lynch); denied application (Benaim); governance (Benaim); requiring applicants to be 501-C (Benaim); how will a 501-C status benefit students? (Robinson); alternative labeling of charters (Robinson); exemplary being other than a letter grade (Robinson); learning gains (Lynch); and renewal process policy (Lynch).

    For the Record: Mr. Lynch stated he is pleased that the application standards have been raised.

    I recommend that the School Board approve the applications for four (4) new Charter Schools, effective January 11, 2006. - PASS
    Vote Results:
      Motion: Bill Graham
      Second: Mark Hansen
      Tom Lynch - Aye
      Sandra Richmond - Not Present
      Paulette Burdick - Aye
      Monroe Benaim - Aye
      Mark Hansen - Aye
      Debra Robinson - Aye
      Bill Graham - Aye

  4. Adjourn - 4:50 p.m.


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